Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Why Do You Switch to Geothermal Heating System for Pool?

Swimming pool is a good investment for you. It is a perfect way to enhance the overall value of your outdoor and popularity amongst your neighbors. But a pool ownership can result in a down side like expensive maintenance cost.

Most pool owners open the pool season when the surrounding temperature remains hot for saving heating costs. Earlier, they heat their pool in four different ways like gas or propane, electricity, solar, and oil boiler.

Currently, investing in a geothermal heating system for pool is recommended as you’re excavating the landscape already. This means, you can minimize the overall cost for trenching vertical or horizontal loops as you have most excavation equipment required onsite.

You are below the frost line; hence installation of horizontal loops can be done around the perimeter of the swimming pool. So far, solar pool heater is considered as the affordable way to heat the pool. It works really well when the sun is shining. However, the electricity, oil, and gas are expensive ways of pool heating.

Geothermal Heating Pool

Why Do You Consider Geothermal System for Pool Heating?

More often pool owners get overwhelmed by the capital costs and invest in the least expensive alternative like an electric or a gas heater. Besides, geothermal is an ideal way to heat the swimming pool.

This heating kit doesn’t take that much long to get the payback from the initial investment even at 70% of the cost of the fossil fuels. More importantly, investing in a geothermal heating for pool will enhance the overall value of your pool as it will minimize the overall operational costs to a greater extent.

Geothermal Heating Pool

How Does Geothermal Heating Kit Work?

A geothermal pool heating system is specifically designed like any water to water heat pump system. One side of the ground loop removes the energy from the ground and it gets transferred to the Freon through the evaporator during the refrigeration cycle. After that, the heat from the hot compressed gas is transferred to the water to water heat exchanger or condenser on the other end of the refrigeration cycle.

The hot gas heats the water at around 120-140 F. Most geothermal water to water heat pumps are not designed for heating a chlorinated or salt water pool. It’s because the pool water runs through their condenser and heat exchanger and the chlorine or salt can damage the heat exchanger.

Geothermal Heating Pool

At 123 Zero Energy, we use a buffer tank and a second external heat exchanger in our geothermal heating system for pool which helps in drawing off the energy to the pool. The presence of buffer tank minimizes the short cycling of the compressor motor.

Above all, our geothermal pool heating system allows you use during the winter while taking advantage of maximum cost savings. If you want to learn more about geothermal heating system for pool, feel free to get in touch with 123 Zero Energy as soon as possible at +1-800-317-9054.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Why Do You Install Pre-Sized DIY Geothermal Cooling & Heating System?

Currently, DIY geothermal heating and cooling systems are gaining popularity throughout Canada and the USA. Now ground source heat pumps are able to deliver incredible level of COP (Coefficient of Performance) of 5 times or more.

This means, you will receive higher return on your investment much faster. However, geothermal heating systems are considered as the popular green energy option available on the market for both northern and southern climates. These systems are properly engineered to deliver both heating and cooling benefits while offering a greater level of flexibility to homeowners.

Likewise all available solar systems, geothermal heating kits take complete advantage of the solar energy. Generally, these systems do it indirectly by harvesting solar energy which has been absorbed by the earth throughout the year.

geothermal systems

The topmost surface of the earth freezes in cold climate conditions. Just below the earth’s top surface, there’s huge availability of heat energy which needs to be pulled out and transferred into a home or business.

In fact, a geothermal heat pump works like an air conditioner and it works in both ways. This heat pump helps in eliminating heat from the earth during the winter and transfers heat energy to the house. Again, the heat pump pulls out the heat energy from the house and transfers it back to the earth during summer.

This DIY geothermal heating and cooling system utilizes much less energy than it supplies and eliminates. It’s known as the Coefficient of Performance or COP. Every heat pump comes with energy rating that explains this ratio.

Most advanced heat pumps can produce around four times of the energy than they use. If the compressor uses 1 Kw energy for its operation, it can create 4 Kw free energy. In this case, the COP will be 4 which results in 66% less energy usage for heating and cooling. For a COP of 5 or more, you will receive energy savings of 75%.

geothermal systems

Generally, a geothermal system collects heat from the ground through interconnected piping series and the heat transfer liquid flowing throughout the piping. If there’s an increase in piping and diameter, the system will get more contact with the soil and will be able to transfer more amount of energy.

The piping required for a geothermal system depends on the size of the heat pump and the condition of the soil. Moreover, the heat pump size is based on the furnace size. To calculate the amount of heat, it’s necessary to know the maximum amount of heating and cooling needed during the average coldest and hottest days. It’s otherwise known as the heat energy and is rated in KW or BTU or as Tons. However, a 4 ton heat pump produces 48,000 BTU or 14 Kw energy.

You will find residential heat pumps ranging from 2-5 tons on the market. It will depend on the square footage of the home, location, the insulation capability, window and many other important things. Nowadays homes are built to the exact standards and you need to choose the right size heat pump as per the square footage and geographic location.

At 123 Zero Energy, we provide properly sized DIY geothermal heating and cooling kits as per your specific requirements and type of location. Our expert installers can help you size your heat pump properly. For immediate help, feel free to contact us as soon as possible at +1-800-317-9054.